Varanasi A Spiritual Journey through Social fibre...
'होइहे वहि जो राम रचि राखा।।
When these writers/social reformers were engaged to give a direction to society by appealing to masses, kings were engaged in a different direction.
As I earlier mentioned somewhere, that Islamic rulers in due influence of being God's messenger started to spend most of their time with loved ones, they unknowingly promoting a different form of cultural integrity with royal assistance which has bonded India for centuries. They even enthusiastically participated & assisted royal patronage to different dance forms, drama, music style etc. that further strengthened masses to have a higher understanding & binding force for society.
Varanasi at that time which had already gone through to these historical changes in course of it's long history many a times, once again had an upper hand to rise from ashes like Phoenix.
I told you they have seen all just by getting birth here in this city of Shiva- the one who a creator & destroyer at same.