Varanasi a Spiritual Journey through Social fibre...
People from all over India amassed here a unique lifestyle- interestingly woven on the loom of life and death; amuses visitors profusely while traveling in this mystical/musical city. This beautiful co-existence of different spiritual believers according to their religious practices; mingled so diligently with trade and day to day practices; showcases tremendous harmony with nature & specifically with river Ganga.
Ancient city flourished on the western bank of river Ganga, supposed to be dating back to 1800 B.C. Excavations done by A.S.I & independent historians specifically in Rajghat, Sarnath & Aktha areas consolidate this fact. Varuna another stream that originates way back near Phulpur marks the northern & north-western boundary of Varanasi, hunting the ancient settlement must have been on Varuna and it's tributaries, accordingly few historians state the original name 'Varanasi' came from Varuna itself(From Sanskrit texts). The confluence of Varuna & river Ganga known as Adi(old) Keshav Ghat is near to Rajghat area.
Geographical aspect of city makes it more bewildering as in different periods of ancient history river Ganga never changed it's course drastically that could had harmed the living pattern here. That's how the city has got the reputation of being one amongst the ancient living cities of the world. Even literature and historical facts indicate this aspect of continuous living settlement here throughout different periods.
People here in my view has got this simple Indian philosophy of life & death- and many meticulous aspect of sociology & science so easily without giving due diligence to laborious studies, keeping intact an aged old practice of India's way of acquiring knowledge by listening to learnt one.
Literally, they have seen all by virtue of getting birth here in this luminous city of Shiva.