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Varanasi - A Spiritual Journey through Social fiber...Part-IX

Varanasi - A Spiritual Journey through Social fiber...


कनक कनक ते सौ गुनी मादकता अधिकाय ,
वा खाये बौराये नर, व पाए बौराये। 

Initially the people engaged themselves in the business activity of all nature after the demolition of Islamic fanaticism. But few of the social evils which was taken as a remedy for the social changes assimilated themselves with the modernity among people at the aftermath of medieval period. They engaged themselves in a large number with the addictions of all sorts. One of them was "Kanak" a symbolic representation of the drugs which is very harmful and after taking it people loose their senses. 

This period of addictions to drugs lasted till the end of Colonial Period in Varanasi. One more evil was the treachery which helped them to end Islamic Fanaticism and Colonial oppression was so incorporated in the social nature of the commoners. 

But after independence this addiction deteriorated to a certain extent but the second "Kanak" the gold a symbolic representation of money engulfed them with it's painful fangs. 

The aftermath was people were engaged in all sorts of activity which was illegal to earn money and did all which destroyed the unique nature of Varanasi. 


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